Back To You

Assessment 1

Speech Therapy Assessment

The word “assessment” can be very alarming to some patients. At Back To You, we are dedicated to providing a stress-free, comprehensive speech therapy assessment for every individual we meet. This evaluation plays a key role in our ability to develop a treatment plan that is specific to the needs of every patient.

What Can I Expect During My Speech Therapy Assessment?

We provide speech therapy assessments for patients of all ages. Before we begin our treatment process, our clinicians will work with you to develop a patient profile. This helps our speech-language pathologists to:

  • Understand your diagnosis and impact on daily activities
  • Observe speech, language, and various communication skills
  • Profile your strengths and weaknesses
  • And more

At Back To You, our evaluations are performed in a quiet room where our SLP uses targeted questions and pictures to elicit a variety of responses. Our assessment may also include patient questionnaires and interviews, informal observations, oral assessments, standardized testing, and a language sample where our SLP will evaluate form, content, and use of language as well as intelligibility.

The results following our evaluation, alongside a patient’s medical history, is used to create a treatment plan that is tailored to an individual and their diagnosis. With our approach to speech therapy assessments, you can rest assured our clinicians are providing you with the most effective treatment services for your needs.

If you would like to schedule a speech therapy assessment, contact our experts today!