Back To You

Injury Rehabilitation

Injury Rehabilitation

Are your injuries preventing you from doing the things you love? Whether you love to play sports, plant in your beautiful garden, or simply go for long walks, we’ll help you get back to doing the activities you enjoy most.

Our Methods for Injury Rehabilitation

At Back To You, our approach to injury rehabilitation involves safe and effective therapeutic techniques to help treat every patient's pain while improving:

  • Strength and balance
  • Mobility
  • Desensitization
  • Susceptibility to further injury
  • And more

From strains and sprains to tendonitis, we’ll provide you with target exercises to help you return to optimal functionality and mobility. We educate every patient on their condition and provide them with the proper exercises and treatments to continue their recovery at home. Not only is their pain exceptionally decreased, but this approach helps patients prevent severe pain before it happens.

Properly heal your body with our effective approach to injury rehabilitation. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.